Wild Flower Farm offers tours, wool garb, all natural beef

and is home to dozens of animals of various breeds.

Located southwest of St. Louis in Dittmer, MO, Wild Flower Farm is a unique destination.

Home to the McCallie family this is a working animal farm that breeds and or raises Shetland sheep, Highland coos, swans, cats, dogs, and horses.

Tours are available for groups of varying sizes with activities for all ages.

And you'll likely go home with a few extra goodies including

hand spun wool garb and delicious farm raised beef.

For more photos and current events Like us on Facebook.

Solar Power

Wild Flower Farm has been using solar energy for decades and didn't even connect to the power grid during the first few years after building the house.

Wind Power

Wind contributes to powering the house, charging the same battery bank as the solar panels. Wind is also used to aerate the pond.


Nearly a hundred animals live at Wild Flower Farm. Most coexist very well. Coos, camelids, horses, sheep, dogs, and cats have spent time together around the hay bails.


The award winning Matt McCallie Orchestra provides professional music services to meet virtually any live music entertainment needs.


We host tours of all sizes for schools, auto enthusiasts, photographers, classic car clubs, small groups, and individuals.

Weddings & Other Events

Ideal for rustic farm weddings, birthdays, and club meetings, Wild Flower Farm has a porch gazebo overlooking a garden with room to seat family and friends.


Our automotive collection includes vehicles dating back to the 1920s that still operate. We have off road, and custom built vehicles as well.

Farmer's Markets

Peggy McCallie sometimes attends farmer's markets around the St. Louis area selling Scottish Highland organic beef and Shetland wool garb.