Shetland sheep are native to the Scottish Shetland Isles.
Wild Flower Farm sells Shetland wool and garb in many styles and colors.

Spring is shearing season at Wild Flower Farm!
The skin of Shetland sheep is too delicate for electric clippers so spring months are spent shearing each animal by hand until every sheep has a short summer hair cut.
Shetlands are small but majestic in stature. As such, they are not a meat
sheep, they are bred solely for their wool.
All of our sheep are sheared by hand with scissors. The fleece is then hand washed and spread out to dry. Peggy then spins the wool on a wooden spinning wheel.
To keep your hands warm.
Fringed Ponchos
Fashion forward and functional capelets bridge the gap between a cape and a scarf. They can be turned and worn in any direction, and even bundle similarly to a scarf. They are also large enough to make a hood and scarf combination.
One of our best selling items, scarves are a perfect gift for men and women. Elasticity in the knitting allows for great versatility in how they are worn.
Sock hats are lightweight and comfortable.
Light grey
Emsket (dusky bluish-grey)
Musket (light greyish-brown)
Shaela (dark steely-grey)
Moorit (reddish brown)
Mioget (honey, yellowish-brown)
Dark brown
Katmoget ("badgerface": dark belly and dark shading around nose and eyes, lighter elsewhere)
Gulmoget ("mouflon", the reverse of katmoget: light belly, dark face with light marks around eyes, dark elsewhere)
Yuglet (generally light with dark "panda" patches around the eyes)
Bleset (dark with white blaze down face)
Smirslet (white marking around the muzzle)
Sokket (with white socks on the legs)
Bersugget (irregular patches of different colours)
Bielset (with a collar of a differing colour)

"I love my woolies and I wear them all winter!"
Many types of garb are for sale in different colors and sizes.